Vendor Form
The booth applications are due with payment to the address listed on the registration form by February 16, 2022.
Booth space unavailable, vendors can be added to “Wait List”, for a $20 deposit. If space becomes available, the deposit will be deducted from payment.
All cancellations must be received prior to February 19, 2022, Willis High School Band Boosters(WHSBB) will refund $50 of payment.
No refunds after February 19, 2022.
An adult representative must be present at all times in the booth.
Set-up will be from 8am-9am, you may tear down at any time, but vendors are encouraged to stay until the end of the competition.
All tear down must be completed by 7pm unless the competition ends earlier.
Vendors will be responsible for their own booth and displays. All items must be placed within the boundaries of the booth, should not cause an obstruction in the walkways or distract from other areas and/or vendors.
School structures are not to be used as signage.
Booth tables, decorations, displays, and products are the responsibility of the vendor, WHSBB ,Willis ISD and TCGC are not liable or responsible for loss, damages, or theft.
Booth location will be assigned at the discretion of the WHSBB committee.
Limited electrical outlets are available and will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis, booth owners must bring their own extension cords.
All vendors are responsible for all of their sales tax requirements.
The WHSBB has the discretion to prevent sales of any items, in violation of the Willis ISD and Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC) Guidelines.
Items Not Allowed:
Alcohol, Beer, Drug and Drug paraphernalia of any kind.
Throwing Stars, martial arts weapons, brass knuckles, roach clips, snap n’ pops and knives of any sort.
All booth owners understand this event is a fundraiser to benefit the Willis High School Band Boosters.